Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Robert A. Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"

At our December 16th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 11 of our club members and/or associates discussed the classic scifi masterpiece, "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress", by Robert A. Heinlein.

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"?

Join us on January 20th, 2015 for our next genre book discussion: the short-story collection "Beaker's Dozen" by Nancy Kress.

Ratings scores from this discussion: Joyce - 6; Tim, Wesley and Amy - 7; Kassie - 7.5; Mike P. and Mike K. - 8; Mark and Brian - 10.  [Average Score: 7.83]

Subsequent ratings scores after this discussion: Ken - 7.5. [adjusted Average Score: 7.80]

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Lev Grossman's "The Magicians"

At our November 11th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 10 of our club members and/or associates discussed the recent critically-acclaimed fantasy novel, "The Magicians", by Lev Grossman.

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "The Magicians
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
The Magicians"? Join us on December 16th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: the classic science fiction masterpiece "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress" by Robert A. Heinlein.

Scores from this discussion: Mike K. - 2; Mark - 3; Kassie - 4; Tim and Brian - both 4.5. [Average Score: 3.60]

Subsequent review scores after the discussion: Scott - 6; Clif - 8.5 [adjusted Average Score: 4.64]

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wilson "Bob" Tucker's "Year of the Quiet Sun"

At our October 7th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 10 of our club members and/or associates discussed Wilson "Bob" Tucker's Hugo and Nebula nominated 1970 novel, "Year of the Quiet Sun".

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "Year of the Quiet Sun
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
Year of the Quiet Sun"?

Join us on November 11th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Lev Grossman's recent fantasy novel "The Magicians".

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Ann Leckie's "Ancillary Justice"

At our September 2nd, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 11 of our club members and/or associates discussed Ann Leckie's Nebula Award winning, Hugo Award winning, Locus Award Winning and BSFA Award winning novel, "Ancillary Justice".

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "Ancillary Justice
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
Ancillary Justice"?

Join us on October 7th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Wilson "Bob" Tucker's classic science fiction novel "The Year of the Quiet Sun".

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Arthur C. Clarke's "2001: A Space Odyssey"

At our July 29th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 10 of our club members and/or associates discussed the classic Arthur C. Clarke novel, "2001: A Space Odyssey", particularly in comparison the film by Stanley Kubrick.

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "2001: A Space Odyssey
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
2001: A Space Odyssey"?

Join us on September 2nd, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Nebula Winner and Hugo Nominee Ann Leckie's 2013 novel "Ancillary Justice".

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go"

At our June 17th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, several of our club members and/or associates discussed author author Kazuo Ishiguro's recent science fiction-flavored mainstream novel, "Never Let Me Go".

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "Never Let Me Go
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
Never Let Me Go"?

Join us on July 29th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Arthur C. Clarke's classic science fiction novel "2001: A Space Odyssey".

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Norman Spinrad's "Bug Jack Barron"

At our May 13th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, we were scheduled to discuss author Norman Spinrad's classic social science fiction novel, "Bug Jack Barron". Not enough members had read it, and we decided to put this discussion off, after a few more weeks, no one else had finished the book or wished to discuss it, and so the two members who had read it (Mark and Joyce) offered up their review scores and we decided to abandon a full group discussion of this title.

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel and would still like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "Buck Jack Barron
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
Buck Jack Barron"?

Join us on June 17th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Kazuo Ishiguro's recent genre-flavored mainstream novel "Never Let Me Go".

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Carrie Vaughn's "After the Golden Age"

At our April 1st, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 9 of our club members and/or associates discussed author and ConStellation guest Carrie Vaughn's recent science fiction novel, "After the Golden Age".

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "After the Golden Age
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
After the Golden Age"?

Join us on May 13th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Norman Spinrad's classic edgy novel "Bug Jack Barron".

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Anne McCaffrey's "The Ship Who Sang"

At our February 25th, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 8 of our club members and/or associates discussed author Anne McCaffrey's classic science fiction novel, "The Ship Who Sang".

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "The Ship Who Sang
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
The Ship Who Sang"?

Join us on April 1st, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Carrie Vaughn's recent superhero-themed novel "After the Golden Age". Vaughn will be the author Guest of Honor at ConStellation Nebraska V, April 25-27 in downtown Lincoln, NE.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Brandon Sanderson's "The Rithmatist"

At our January 21st, 2014 Book Discussion meeting, 9 of our club members and/or associates discussed author Brandon Sanderson's young adult fantasy novel, "The Rithmatist". Sanderson, a recent Hugo-award winner, grew up in Lincoln, NE and was the short-story contest winner at Andromeda One, as well as the Author Guest of Honor at the first ConStellation NE, both Lincoln-based conventions.

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this novel but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "The Rithmatist
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
The Rithmatist"?

Join us on February 25th, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Anne McCaffrey's classic novel "The Ship Who Sang".

The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One: 1929-1964

At our December 10th, 2013 Book Discussion meeting, 8 of our club members and/or associates discussed the legendary anthology, "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume 1: 1929-1964", one of the best known collections of science fiction short stories of all time.

If you're a Star Base Andromeda member who has read this anthology but were not able to attend our discussion, and you would like to offer up your opinion, please share your thoughts here with the rest of SBA and anyone else who drops in. As part of your comments, please give "The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume 1: 1929-1964
" a score, from 1 to 10 (10 best) and identify yourself by name in your comments. Although we currently only add rating scores to our website for local members and associates who participated in the original discussion or were unable to attend the discussion due to scheduling issues, we would be curious to see how your opinion compares to ours!

If you're one of those visitors who just stumbled across us, you're welcome to share your opinion here, too.

Thank you for participating! What did you think of "
The Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume 1: 1929-1964"?

Join us on January 21st, 2014 for our next genre book discussion: Brandon Sanderson's Young Adult fantasy novel "The Rithmatist".